Novel Uncultured Bacteria Showing Out Group in Phylogeny Analysis Indicating Failure of NCBI 16S rRNA reference sequence database for its Genus and Species Level Identification can Inhibit Bacillus safensis strain MRTV10
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The uncultured bacteria was isolated from the Ocimum tenuiflorum based rhizospheric soil sample of Karad, Maharashtra, India on Glycerol Aspargine Agar. It inhibited the growth of Bacillus safensis MRTV 10 and it utilized starch as a source of nutrition. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of the uncultured bacteria showed only 93.52% identity with the reference sequences of NCBI database with failure in genus and species level identification by the database indicating its novelty. The phylogeny tree of the uncultured bacteria constructed using Maximum Parsimony Method by comparing with 20 NCBI reference sequences showed its placement as out group indicating its recent evolution from its ancestor.